Code of Conduct

Each attendee / ticket holder for NEST 2023 is required to read and agree to the terms listed below. After payment, you will be sent an email with a direct link to a form to complete and sign stating you have read and agree to these terms.

  • Coming to NEST is a privilege, not a right. If you don’t appreciate being there, and it shows, you won’t be invited back.
  • Be excellent to each other. Treat your fellow NEST-goers with kindness and respect. Is is an enthusiastic and supportive community, and it is all of our responsibility to maintain it. Invite people into your conversations and activities; be supportive when your fellow NEST-goers try new things (or choose not to); participate, connect, help out, tell you their pronouns. Events like these can feel lonely and intimidating when you’re new and don’t know anybody. Be welcoming, inclusive and friendly, and look out for one another!
  • NEST is a ZONE OF CONSENT. Always ask if you may, before presuming you can touch someone. You are not entitled to touch anyone (Unless you’ve already received consent). Because of that, please be CLEAR when saying Yes, or No. If someone says no, accept that gracefully. If someone doesn’t seem to accept that gracefully, please let Lee or staff know. If someone gets angry, etc, that doesn’t mean you should have said yes, it’s verification that NO was the correct answer.
  • There is a strict NO UNINVITED TOUCH rule with anyone that you do not personally know and have
    consent to touch. We want our guests to feel comfortable . If you see someone that you would like to tickle/be
    tickled by, as in any social situation, strike up a conversation and ask them if they would play with you.
  • Encourage curiosity and education, so we can all be better and more informed than we were.
  • Don’t harass others. We are not a community that tolerates harassment. This includes (but isn’t limited to): any kind of physical, verbal, or psychological abuse; threats, intimidation, and bullying; slurs about race, gender, sexuality or ability; unwanted romantic attention, sexual harassment, and generally creepy or stalky behavior; engaging in physical interactions (hugging, tickling, backrubs, etc.) without consent. If someone asks you to stop doing something and you keep doing it, that’s harassment. We’re ALL responsible for making sure this doesn’t occur in our community. If you see something inappropriate, let the person doing the action know it isn’t okay, then please let staff know.
  • No Photography in any NEST spaces. Please be VERY careful with any audio/video/etc., recording in private spaces.
  • Images have shown up online, after people were assured they wouldn’t. NEST can’t police the internet, so perhaps it’s just better to not.
  • Be excellent to the NEST, Operation Hammond & hotel staff and anyone you encounter locally. Remember that we share this community with others. Please don’t be the person who makes the NEST-goers look bad to the staff and/or the locals.
  • Don’t steal or damage things. Obviously.
  • Don’t abuse substances, keep illegal substances at home. No exceptions. NEST has always been alcohol friendly for those of legal drinking age in the US, 21+. Please drink responsibly. Although it hasn’t been a problem in the past, it is your responsibility not to drink to the point where your consent or awareness will be unduly impaired. It is also your responsibility to ensure that the ability to give consent by people you play with is not impaired. Alcohol of any kind is restricted to 21+ year olds. Do not encourage drinking or give alcohol to people under 21.
  • Lee & the staff are here to help. Don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for help addressing an issue. If the matter is related to the hotel, we must defer to the hotel management.
  • If your health or physical well-being need attention, please contact Operation Hammond/ 911 as appropriate, and let NEST Staff know. We and they are all doing our best to ensure you enjoy your experience and that the values of our community are upheld. Our experience and expectation is that NEST-goers act responsibly and look after one another. But in the event of a breach of this Code of Conduct, we reserve the right to take action, including (but not limited to) limiting access to events, expulsion without refund, and/or permanent banning from NEST events.
  • During NEST, if you are subject to or witness behavior that violates our Code of Conduct, contact Lee or any member of staff so that we can deal with it swiftly.
  • You can also call or text Lee at (Number given to registered attendees), or use our contact form to send us an email.